Monday, January 2, 2012

Say What You Feel

I was about to make this blog private (along with my other blogs) because someone had read some of the blog & didn't like it. My initial reaction was to make it private but than I remembered my favorite quote:
Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." {Dr. Seuss}
This is my blog. This is an outlet for me to express myself & how I feel. I mean no harm to anyone. This is my history. It can be raw at times and the truth may hurt. But that is what this is; the truth. This is me.
I want to continue to write and keep this blog open, as I believe people come in and out of our lives for a reason. If I can be of any inspiration or if anyone could be inspirational to me, than I feel this blog has served more than it's purpose.
Below I wrote about family and expressed my feelings on my family dynamic. What I wrote was my true and honest feelings. It was my reality. Life evolves and my family dynamic is growing and shaping with each day. I am happy to say that at this moment in my life, I feel like my family is exactly what it is supposed to be. I didn't take the easiest route & when it comes to my daughter, this is not what I had is even better. I have the greatest family. I have the best of friends. I am dating an amazing man. And I am building a friendship with my daughter's dad that I thought we could never have. We have had a few bumps in the road & I am sure we will have more. But we got through it & it has made both of us better parents. I am grateful for the love he has for my babygirl. I enjoy watching their relationship grow & am comfortable with our family & the way it is shaping. My daughter's dad (my ex) and I dated for years. I grew to love him & hate him & love him all over again. We were not meant to be together but our daughter was meant to be with us. He gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever give me. I love him for that.
I love my unplanned little life. It is everything it was supposed to be.


  1. Never mind what others think of your blog. You are wonderful. Glad you made this public. "Sing Your Life"

  2. I love your quote. Be yourself and that is what matters. I'm glad that you are back to the blogging world. I love the updates on your life and to hear your inner thoughts. I don't post my thoughts on my blog because I have offended my in-laws before. I don't have the strength of character that you have, and I applaud you for standing strong.

  3. I'm happy things are starting to brighten up for you and your family! Everyone deserves happiness and peace in their lives. It also takes a lot of courage to have your inner thoughts available for everyone to hear. I love bloggers that speak their mind. It makes me feel like we really are not alone and we are one in the same. Good luck on your blogging journey!

  4. I love this quote. if we aren't honest with ourselves so with who then? ...
